With his ultra-keen sense
of smell, he's likely to get a good whiff of you before
you even get a shot off. Which means another lost trophy.
Unless your clothing has Ab-Scent. You see, this revolutionary,
scent-stopping fabric makes you and everything about
you completely indetectale. Even to his finely-tuned
sniffer. Ab-Scent performs perfectly in any climate
or season, for the life of the garment. Ab-Scent also
retains its durability, while giving you the best in
wearable breathable comfort. There are no extra layers
so special laundry requirements, either. And because
it's more economical than other methods, you'll have
money left over. Give yourself a better shot at this
wiley old codger. Get the Ab-Scent edge where you buy
hunting clothing.

Look for the tag that
gives you the edge.
Ab-Scent is a trademark of Fox-Rich Textiles.
©Fox-Rich Textiles, 2000.